Nicole Zheng

WiFi should be safe, says Minim in USA TODAY

We are very excited to join a security program that USA TODAY  has just launched. In partnership with the NYPD, National Crime Prevention Council, National Cyber Security Alliance, Department of Homeland Security, Internet of Things Consortium, Citrix, global security experts, (Minim), and more, the program urges Americans to take charge of their own safety, security, and well-being. This is all very timely as our VP Engineering, Alec Rooney, is giving a talk today at a Department of Homeland Security event on device security in the connected home. 


If you pickup a copy of USA TODAY, you'll find our campaign and an editorial, "Home Routers Can Pose Security Threat," by Minim CEO Jeremy Hitchcock. Jeremy opens as follows:

"The FBI recently issued an alert: Over 500,000 home and Server Message Block routers are threatened by a dangerous malware, VPNFilter. This highlighted a bigger problem: home router security has been and continues to be terrible."

You can read the rest of his editorial here

Minim in USA Today

You'll also see our campaign to make home WiFi as safe as drinking water. This is born out of our belief that Internet in the home has become a basic need. With this campaign, we aim to help educate the public on the recent home router security threat, VPNFilter, with a real call to action:

Share your concerns about home network security, and we'll do our best to relay the survey results to your service provider. 


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